It’s amazing how fear works. It only takes one person to tell you that you;
Won’t make it
You are not good enough
Nobody wants to hear you sing
You are not creative enough
No one wants to hear your story
No one will date you at your size
You are ugly
You are fat
You are a failure
You are worthless
You are unlovable
For you to believe it. You carry it around with you. You even repeat it to other people when asked who you are. You allow it shape your goals, dreams and aspirations.
Some people use fear as fuel to motivate them to be successful. They set out to prove those people wrong out of spite.
For most of us though, myself included, it takes up permanent residence in our brains and rewires it way into our now that voice that said those our voice repeating those things like a mantra.
A cautionary tale on why we shouldn’t even try.
No matter how many people tell you differently, it won’t change that one voice..that one moment..that one failure..that one rejection..
In anything else, one persons opinion wouldn’t move the world on anything.. it usually takes many people in a united front to affect change. Not in your brain though.
So, find those who motivate you. Make them your community, your audience for ideas, goals, plans etc…and lean into their united front. Get out the rut of fear.
Take the risk!
Once your goal is reached..your dream becomes a reality or what you aspire to become, no one will remember the many times you stumbled before you got there.
Get out of your own way
Get out of your own head
Become your own cheerleader
Celebrate the small wins
Embrace the failures as a way to make corrections and come back stronger
You got this!
You are exceptional!
You are worthy!
You deserve to be happy and win at life!
Someone is waiting for you to be they know it’s possible!
Your trials and tribulations are the fuel to motivate the masses!
Write the vision, make it plain..
Take the risk!